CUDA in Julia


CUDA.jl is the Julia version of the CUDA library, which offers a GPGPU plarform for NVIDIA GPU. CUDA.jl is not just a wrapper for CUDA functions, but also has functionality to compile the kernel code. CUDA.jl completely natively supports Julia, i.e. you can use a native Julia code to write a kernel function like a script language. The JIT compilation completely works.

How to rewrite a CPU code to a GPU code

  • Add CUDA. for initialization functions.

    • zeros(m, n) -> CUDA.zeros(Float64, m, n)

    • rand(m, n) -> CUDA.rand(Float64, m, n)

  • Sometimes call a function CUDA.synchronize().

  • Call kernel functions with @cuda macro.

  • Replace BLAS with CUBLAS.

  • Replace LAPACK with cuSOLVER or MAGMA. (I recommend MAGMA.)

  • Please be aware where your data are, on CPU, or on GPU.

These are the only things you have to do to make your CPU code work in GPU. CUDA versions are included in CUDA.jl for most of the Base/LinearAlgebra functions. Essentially, just by changing initialization functions, Julia's multiple dispatch automatically changes CPU methods to GPU methods. Only you have to do is to be aware of types, Array or CuArray, Vector or CuVector, Matrix or CuMatrix. This nice switch with the same functions thanks to the multiple dispatch paradigm even allows us to write a code which works both in CPU and in GPU at the same time.

How to write a kernel function

Type-unstable way to make CPU and GPU codes coexist

You can easily make CPU and GPU codes coexist in your own code. Here's an example.

using LinearAlgebra
using CUDA

function power_iteration(m, gpu)
    if gpu
        A = CUDA.rand(m, m)
        b = CUDA.rand(m)
        A = rand(Float32, m, m)
        b = rand(Float32, m)

    for i in 1:100
        b .= A * b
        b ./= norm(b)

    dot(b, A * b)

The code works in GPU when gpu = true and in CPU when gpu = false. The point is that you do not have to write the main algorithm of the power iteration twice. It is enough to have an if syntax in the initialization. However, this code is very type-unstable. You can check that by @code_warntype power_iteration(100, true) for example.

Type-stable way to make CPU and GPU codes coexist 1

Unfortunately, the above way of switching CPU and GPU by the Bool value gpu causes type instability. There are many ways to avoid this problem. Here's the simplest way to make it type-stable.

The simplest way is to use a Val type. The change is easy, just give a value gpu via the Val(gpu).

using LinearAlgebra
using CUDA

function power_iteration(m, ::Val{gpu}) where gpu
    if gpu
        A = CUDA.rand(m, m)
        b = CUDA.rand(m)
        A = rand(Float32, m, m)
        b = rand(Float32, m)

    for i in 1:100
        b .= A * b
        b ./= norm(b)

    dot(b, A * b)

Just call this function via power_iteration(100, Val(true)). This is the code with the smallest change.

Type-stable way to make CPU and GPU codes coexist 2

Another solution is the following. It is more complicated but more sophisticated. First, define the following abstract types:

abstract type Engine end
abstract type CPUEngine <: Engine end
abstract type GPUEngine <: Engine end

These abstract types seem meaningless, but they have an important role to give information to the compiler. Then, you should give an argument engine instead of gpu. engine should only take CPUEngine or GPUEngine, depending on which kernel you use.

Finally, it is enough to add the following one line at the beginning of every function:

gpu = engine <: GPUEngine

This automatically enables us to give CPU or GPU information to the compiler. Every if gpu syntax is inferred from the type of inputs, so it is enough to make everything type-stable.

using LinearAlgebra
using CUDA

abstract type Engine end
abstract type CPUEngine <: Engine end
abstract type GPUEngine <: Engine end

function power_iteration(m, engine)
    gpu = engine <: GPUEngine

    if gpu
        A = CUDA.rand(m, m)
        b = CUDA.rand(m)
        A = rand(Float32, m, m)
        b = rand(Float32, m)

    for i in 1:100
        b .= A * b
        b ./= norm(b)

    dot(b, A * b)

One advantage of using abstract types is that you can add your own "sub-engines" to CPUEngine or GPUEngine. For example, you can add:

abstract type MultiGPUEngine <: GPUEngine end

to write a multi-GPU code.